Cyrano de Bow Wow: Fun for Kids & Adults
If you are looking for wonderful, fun reading with your kids at bedtime, this innovative, imaginative take on a classic story is set on a farm full of colorful animal characters, Babe-style. This chapter book is chock full of sparkling humor with hilarious one-liners guaranteed to make Mom and Dad laugh their socks off.
Our hero Muff, a Golden Retriever with a tail as long as a garden hose and his pal Baron, a handsome Husky are both in love with Roxy, a sleek Labrador Retriever with a well-turned hock and a rum-butter coat. However, Muff is convinced his tail makes him too ugly for Roxy to take him seriously and so he helps Baron romance her.
Can Muff be satisfied with winning her love, though not for himself? Is it okay for him to deceive the object of his affection like this? Is he willing to make her happy even if it makes him miserable?
Baron complicates things for Muff because although he’s handsome and a great athlete, he’s not the sharpest crayon in the drawer so there is a danger he might blow Muff’s cover.
The rest of the gang includes Muff’s sidekick Sparky, a perky, over-eager Jack Russell terrier, a couple of world weary horses, Ladybug and Trooper, a wise-cracking cat named Chelsea, a temperamental bull named Sinbad, three cows, Clara, Bessy and Bossy, a new-born calf named Patty and a carton full of kittens.
The action picks up when a pack of coyotes threatens to gobble down pet rabbits and chickens and anyone else who gets in the way. It will take all the courage Muff has to defeat the coyotes, keep Baron as a friend and hopefully win Roxy’s heart

Pyramid Productions – July 28, 2020
Available in:
Kindle, Paperback